Lilly PugglePots and Bubba – bonded pair

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Lilly PugglePots and Bubba,  are two truly bonded Fosters!

They are never too far apart and they love to play together and rough house. Bubba loves his lil Lady and watches over her to make sure she is ok.

Bubba came in healthy and ready to look for a new home for him and Lilly.

Lilly on the other hand has some extreme issues.

Both her ears need total ablation. Lilly had chronic infection and both outer ear drums erupted. With an ablation, Lilly will not be able to hear so will need a family willing to work with her.

Lilly also needs a patella surgery and lump removal on her left hind leg. But that will be a future surgery. rRight now Lilly can use Sponsors to help her reach her goal for ear surgery. Each ear will need approx $3000 – $3500 Canadian funds as she is heading to Guelph Veterinary Hospital.

Lilly has had many friends and generous Members donate. They have all helped raise close to what’s needed for her first ear surgery. However the attending Guelph Vet also wants Lilly to be seen by a Dermatologist for a her skin issues.

So as you can see ….. it will be a huge and long road for Miss Lilly PugglePots.

Please help Lilly and donate where you can. It’s all very much appreciated.

Sending huge Thank you’s out to:                                                                                                  1/ Linda Wagner Jones and her Membership at Puggle & Friends Rescue and Transport!!! Raising $1400.00 for Miss Lilly on a special Auction.                             2/ Marcia Rosenthal Zakin, SNOOZER BEDS and Lularoe Reps for their fabulous Event.                                                                                                                                       3/ Portia the Pug and her Momma and a great group of people for their Fingerling Raffle!!!!!!